Bob Rice

An internationally famous speaker, musician, and writer, Bob Rice looks at the beautiful and the bizarre of life through a Catholic perspective. Also includes articles and excerpts from books he's working on.

My Photo
Location: Steubenville, Ohio, United States

My desire is to share the love of God to everyone I meet through the many gifts God has given me. My full time job is teaching evangelization and youth ministry at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH. About two or three times a week I travel around the country proclaiming God's word or do a concert/lead worship. I've published many articles and I'm working on my first novel. 12 years ago, I married the love of my life and now we have 5 beautiful children. You can find out more about me and download lots of free stuff on my webpage-

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Strep Throat and New Mexico

I had strep throat last week, and it was one of the worst experiences of my life.

I've actually never had that before. I was really tired last Wednesday so I took a nap and woke up with a 102.5 degree fever. I had to cancel classes and back out on playing worship music at the Steubenville Going Deeper Conference in Phily (but the Worship Band did great without me! Great job guys!). I slept on and off, and it felt like it took a solid week off of my life.

But the good news was that I got better in time for one of my favorite ministry events- a youth conference in El Paso. Fr. Stan Fortuna, Matt Smith, and I got to share our faith with some of the most awesome people in the country. I want to give a shout out to all the amazing teens and college leaders who were so active in running the weekend (it was great to be a part of Milligan's Island), and the adults (esp. Hector) who make it happen, and are cool enough to keep inviting me back.

I also want to say hi to Rudy, whose name I was supposed to say from the stage, but forgot.

During my sickness and travels, Chris Padgett and I have been text messaging band names back and forth for our upcoming project, and we'll announce it very soon.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Relief

Just did a great show for a great cause last night. Myself, End of Silence, and Righteous B did a show to raise money for local hurricane refugees, and it went great- $5,000 was raised! That's money that is going directly into the pockets of some needy people. Thanks to everyone who atttended.

Special thanks to my band- Paul on percussion and Andy on bass. You guys did great! I also got to play some new stuff off the upcoming album, which I'm going to start recording in a month or so. Keep it in your prayers.

NEED PICTURES- this is to all the cats who said, "yeah, I'll send you a picture". Please do so. I'm still waiting for pics from the CCHS gig, and wouldn't mind throwing a pic up from this one as well.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Known World

Saw a battle of the bands in Pittsburgh on Sat. and saw the spectrum of music being played, from the awesome to the abomindable. On the good side was "The Known World", lead by Nate Minto who has a great voice and great stage presence. You should check out their website. On the horrible side was a band called "Ninjas who met God"- they call themselves a "shock rock" band. I'm not sure what they were about but they seemed to like America and swearing, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New Web Updates

Check out the new link to The Worship Band! (It's on the left-hand sidebar of this page.) It's mostly there (still need to fill out some bio information when the band members get it to me), but I think it looks pretty sweet. Next site: The Bob and Bob Show. BTW, Happy St. Francis Day everybody!

Rocking Catholic Central

Ah, there is nothing like the joy of playing a mandatory assembly at a Catholic high school- but this one went pretty well! The students at Catholic Central in Steubenville, OH were great, and even paid attention when I talked about how much God has changed my life. GO CRUSADERS! (A picture will be up soon.)