Bob Rice

An internationally famous speaker, musician, and writer, Bob Rice looks at the beautiful and the bizarre of life through a Catholic perspective. Also includes articles and excerpts from books he's working on.

My Photo
Location: Steubenville, Ohio, United States

My desire is to share the love of God to everyone I meet through the many gifts God has given me. My full time job is teaching evangelization and youth ministry at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH. About two or three times a week I travel around the country proclaiming God's word or do a concert/lead worship. I've published many articles and I'm working on my first novel. 12 years ago, I married the love of my life and now we have 5 beautiful children. You can find out more about me and download lots of free stuff on my webpage-

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Yep, after 4 months I've finally finished "Nowhere Else To Go". It has been sent off to Disc Makers and will come back on May 20th in lovely shrink wrapped packages. It's a different sound and I'm really excited about it. And you can listen to the WHOLE DANG THING by going to my music page and clicking on the "Launch Music Player". If you dig the tunes, support me and my family by buying the thing through the store- there's a cool deal going on right now for pre-orders. But more importantly, what do you think of the new music?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Now we're bluegrassin'

Happy Easter everybody! The Lord has risen!
Among the celebration of the risen Lord, I'm also really thankful that the new CD, "Nowhere Else To Go" is pretty much done. And it is sounding great, or at least I think so. If you haven't lately, check out the web page- I've got a few songs up on it for your audio enjoyment.
I've also updated the page in general and I think everything works with all the links and what not. The personal page has a bit about me and pics of the fam, so that's cool. I'm proud of myself because I made a Bible verse thing on it that changes verses with the push of a button. Probably not that difficult to some, but I'm proud of myself. Between that and the Frappr map I think I'm doing quite well in the HTML world. The stuff I'm doing would have been cutting edge in '98.
Listen to the music on the page and let me know here what you think. Have I lost my mind? Or is it kinda cool? I'd really love your input.