New CD! Summer Conferences! Big News!

Something that is also very exciting is the new CD I just released called "Steubenville Theme Songs". In early May, I had my song chosen as the 2008 theme song for the Steubenville Summer Conferences. I decided it would be fun to throw in on a CD that collected the other theme songs over the years. It turned out even better than I imagined. You know, there was a time I didn't want to be known as the "theme song guy"- but I think I'm a bit more at peace with stuff like that as I get older. And it is really fun to hear the songs that launched my musical career. Great memories of the conferences and the people I played with. I hope you like it, too.
Also, we (me and the Steubenville Conference Office) came up with a really fun idea: the You Tube Hand Motion Challenge. We're inviting people to come up with hand motions for the 2008 song (titled "Witness"), and put them on the web for people to vote on them. I'm really curious to see how they turn out. Could be a lot of fun (you can check them out at
But the best news of all is that... WE'RE PREGNANT!!! Yep, Jennie and I are expecting our 5th child. As some of you may know, we have suffered a few miscarrages over the past years, so we didn't want to make it public until we were safely out of our first trimester. Praise God, everything is looking great. The due date is December 8th, which is also the feast of the Immaculate Conception. How cool is that? Jennie's been feeling a bit sick the past few weeks, but we are both very redicilously excited. Keep us and our new life in your prayers!
Upcoming events: More youth conferences! Jennie and my 10th anniversary! And I'm presenting at a catechetical conference in jolly old England! Lots going on, and I'll try to keep you (whoever you are) updated through all the amazing stuff that God is doing in our lives here at Steubenville, Ohio.
God bless you!