Tropical Islands

This is German. No, he's not from Germany. I think it's like "Herman". Anyway, he's one of the many incredible people I've had the chance to meet over the past two weeks.
I have travelled more the past week than I have over the past few months, I think. On June 28th, for our 9th anniversary Jennie and I travelled to Aruba- just me and her. Her mom watched our kids and we got to take a 2nd honeymoon. It was awesome to spend that much time with her.
And what about Aruba? Jennie really liked it. I thought it was just like Florida, except farther away. Actually, it was kind of strange- everybody spoke English, everyone accepted US currency, our cell phones even worked. Kind of odd- I was expecting a more "foreign" experience. One serious downside- there is no comic book store on the island. At all. Really. I checked. Most of them didn't even know what they were.
But Jennie liked it, and that was the most important thing. Me, I didn't care where we went as long as I got to spend time with her.
So we flew out on Wednesday and got back on Sunday. We were really missing our kids by then, so that was long enough of a trip. The flight home was long- hit some delays and missed a flight. It was a bummer, because all we wanted to do was to get home and kiss our children.
Then on Tuesday, I was on a plane again- this time to another tropical island. I went to the island of San Pedro in Belize to help out some missionaries there who were connected with Franciscan University. That was a fantastic experience. I met lots of Belizans (like German, who plays in a Christian Band called "Faith Factor"), as well as many others. It was definately a Holy Spirit thing: I got to talk to a bunch of fishermen about St. Peter on San Pedro a few days after the feast of Peter and Paul. It went great.
It was also a quick trip. By Thursday I was back on a plane to come to the US. I slept a lot, and then on Friday lead worship at the third High School Youth Conference for over 2,200 people. Hello to all who were there! Bob Lesnefsky hosted (a.k.a. Righteous B) and it was an amazing weekend.
So now I'm sitting at home and spending time with my kids. We have a lot of video games to catch up with. I think I've had enough tropical islands for a while... Steubenville suits me just fine right now.
But I am thinking about doing more missionary work, especially to Aruba. To think- these people have no comic books. Will you help me raise money for them? How will they learn that "with great power comes great responsibility" if they can't read about SpiderMan?
So just start sending me cash, and I'll buy more comic books and send them to Aruba (after I've read them for content, of course). Remember- only you can make a difference.