Bob Rice

An internationally famous speaker, musician, and writer, Bob Rice looks at the beautiful and the bizarre of life through a Catholic perspective. Also includes articles and excerpts from books he's working on.

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Location: Steubenville, Ohio, United States

My desire is to share the love of God to everyone I meet through the many gifts God has given me. My full time job is teaching evangelization and youth ministry at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH. About two or three times a week I travel around the country proclaiming God's word or do a concert/lead worship. I've published many articles and I'm working on my first novel. 12 years ago, I married the love of my life and now we have 5 beautiful children. You can find out more about me and download lots of free stuff on my webpage-

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I'm older! Free music!

Yes, January 26th was my birthday. How old do you think I am? Let's make that the game today. I'll give something to the first person who responds.

So my birthday was cool, especially because I got season 4 of Enterprise on DVD and a Star Wars belt buckle. It's nice to know you can be in your 40s and still get stuff you would have liked as a teenager. (Did I give away my age, or is it just a red herring?)

I've also been around a bit this month. Went to Denver, twice, for two different reasons. I lead worship at a Youth Minister's Retreat on campus- hello to all on the front lines! You'll probably never read this because I keep forgeting to promote myself or my web page at those events. Some say that makes me humble and holy. I say it makes me poor and stupid.

Speaking of being poor and stupid, my "best of Bob Rice" CD is nearly finished. I prided myself on doing something innovative. After all, how many other Catholic artists do you know that has a best of album? Then I found out that Tom Booth just came out with one! The dog! He, by the way, IS in his 40s. I thought I was cutting egde but got beat by a pro. And his album cover is him holding a flame!!! No, just kidding. But that would have been funny.

Next thing you know, Matt Maher will come out with a song titled, "Shining like the Son", and I'll be screwed. All those AZ cats are out to get me.

But the good news is I've put all the MP3s that didn't make it free on the web (click on the title of this blog to get there). It's a work in progress, but there is a good amount of stuff there, including the ever asked for but rarely available "More Than Gold". You old timers can go down memory lane with me back to 1996 when I was just 15 years old and wrote my first conference theme song.

Or was I?

Thanks to all the great comments on this blog. It's nice to be read.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday again!!
I only missed it by one day.
I guess I need to work on my timing.
Let me see...44 is too old...
24 is definitly too young...
34 sounds just right...I think

It was good to see you and Jen and your kids again...
and it's good to read your writing again...
yea for updates...
and to anyone who hasn't seen it,
yes, the Star Wars belt buckle is amazing

I checked out the newest Innovations Studios podcast today
and I very much liked your intro. It was "tasteful man....tasteful."
Also, I enjoyed your "vocabulariousity."
It's cool to hear you do a Jazz feel type thing...I dig it

Keep up the good work...
the new music sounds good...
and its fun to watch you blossom into a full-fledged web designer

I'll be seeing you soon.


9:25 PM  
Blogger tara said...

Dang it, Karsten, you got here before I did... Happy Belated Birthday, Bobert! :-D

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was checking out your music page and the artwork for your bluegrass album. Am I mistaken, or did you actually spend extended periods of time OUTDOORS to take those photos? In the WILDERNESS???? Or is it just clever photoshopping? Man, you really ARE branching out.

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,
I just wanted to say Happy belated 34th Birthday. I hope you had a great birthday. We all miss you up here at St. Ambrose.Hope you and you family are doing well. Well have a good day
Love & God Bless

11:36 AM  
Blogger John Lopez said...

hehe...Matt Miller

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of creativity theivery... there's a small possibility i stole your bob and bob show idea. or did i? maybe it was just a red herring.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Rae-Lynne said...

how about 35?

1:02 PM  

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