Star Wars and Santa Claus

It's been a Star Wars weekend with me and my boys. First, the LEGO: Star Wars Video Game finally came out on Gamecube, so we've been having lots of fun playing with that. It's like your lego people with light sabers, and every time you destory something it breaks into little LEGO pieces. Serious fun.
And then, as you probably already know, Star Wars Episode III came out on DVD. I guess it's a sign that I'm getting old that I didn't stop everything (cancel classes and the like) to watch it right away, but I waited for the weekend so I could see it with my family. It worked out perfectly- Kolbe and Bobby fell asleep before it got too scary, and John (my oldest) felt he was old enough to handle it (with the sound turned down and the lights on). He did great.
He did so well being able to distinguish fantasy and reality, that I thought it would be a good time to break the Santa Claus myth, told him about St. Nick and the Christmas Tradition, and he took it very well. He's excited to be our "helper" this Christmas! Just when I thought we were in the clear, I mentioned there was no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy either. Interestingly enough, the Tooth Fairy hit him the hardest. He really likes the Tooth Fairy. I'm not sure how concerned I should be about that.
only you, Bob, could use Star Wars as a lead in to Santa Claus.
Heck, I think you could use Star Wars as a lead into just about anything.
P.S. Your ever increasing web design skills are quite impressive. Your main page seems to get spiffier by the day.
that is great man. Lego's and St. Nick, yummy.
when can we jam again? my harmonica needs some love.
peace brother
You need help...
To Bob, from a Dad of four boys (one is enrolled @FSU): For the longest time they suspected my wife as being the Tooth Fairy and she, telling the truth, more than once told them she was not! And the kids have also learned that Dad may not have all the existential answers and he's honest to admit it. (Is there or isn't there?) However if the T.F. forgot to pay a visit, my son would see me the next morning and express his concern that it may have been a busy night. Maybe the T.F. would come tonight! Mercy and Grace flows in both directions in a family. And they like the contribution to their piggybank!
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