10 Days Later...

Well, I (and many others) have survived what is the busiest week of the conference summer. On campus, we usually do weekend conferences- but this week we had a mid-week one as well. So we played Fri-Sun for Catholic Charismatics, Mon-Fri for Priests, Deacons, and Seminarians, and Fri-Sun for the first High School youth conference. It was awesome, and now I'm spending a few days of rest to gear up for the next one.
Some highlights? Bert Ghezzi at the Catholic Charismatic conference, Patty Mansfield at the PDS conference, and working with my good friend Steve Angrisanno at the High School Youth conference. And it's always fun to work with Fr. Larry, who was at two of the three.
I'm excited for the youth conferences- those are the most energetic of the bunch. I got to do a Bob and Bob show this past weekend, too. For those of you not in the know, me and Bob Lesnefsky (a.k.a. Righteous B) do an improvisational comedy show. We started them back four or five years ago, when Bob was white. We got to travel around the country and had a great time. So what happened? Well, Bob got a really busy job in Houston, TX for awhile and that made scheduling so difficult we had to give it up and lost some momentum. Now he's living back in Steubie, so hopefully we'll be able get back to doing an occasional show together.
FYI, his new album is AMAZING. And he's doing great ministry out there. His webpage is phenom, too: righteousb.com. Check it out. It will automatically make you hipper, even if you are a nerdy as me.
Speaking of nerdy, for father's day I got a Star Wars t-shirt, a Ultimate Avengers comic book, and a Hank Williams belt buckle. I'm in heaven...
Dude, it's summer... lose the beard. It makes you look... well, like a Christmas elf with a guitar or something. Please for the love of Pete, shave that thing till school starts again!
You know, I think the guy that was interviewing me was asking the question in that way. No, I don't think rock and roll is intrinsically disordered. A large amount of current praise and worship music is based on rock beats, like Chris Tomlin or David Crowder. That being said, I think there is more of an "innocence" with bluegrass music. But the decision to go bluegrass was purely a personal thing- I've really been digging on bluegrass lately and wanted to try an album of it. I'm glad you like it!
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